While my drawings have always shown a deep reverence for the presence of humanity in the city, my tendencies to let my imagination cut loose have been on lock down for years. A habit of conformity picked up while going through college i think, but not necessarily a bad thing. Seeing the beauty in things just as they are is a pretty awesome way to go out living your life. I spent a good portion of my days (yes, a portion, a full out U.S.-size double serving, with a full shelf of sketchbooks to prove it) simply drawing New Yorkers in the (sometimes) very still essence they take on while riding public transportation. People sitting, standing, busking, gawking into their iPhones... If you lived in New York between 2004 and 2010 I'm sure I got you in at least once, plain and simple.

What can I say? Random every day families on the train are super and fatherhood really moves me. As does parent hood in general, but when I see the men in my life-- particularly those ones who didn't have a particularly striking father figure to look up to when they were young-- taking great care with their kiddos, gushing love and affection through every thick bristle of manhair they got, I mean... shoot.
Of Course, it might have something to do with a general train of thought I've had recently. I knocked these out earlier this spring and sent them one at a time to the fab Lindseys of Beaverton, Oregon for mothers day and father's day this year-- That's my sister Hannah and her husband Mark, who have recently completed their first year of parenthood.
(On a side note, the original sketches for these are coincidentally in the upper left corner of the commencing drawing from my sketchbook... check it out!)
(On a side note, the original sketches for these are coincidentally in the upper left corner of the commencing drawing from my sketchbook... check it out!)

They had to wait unknowingly for a month and a half to get the full deal which looked something like this when you put the pieces together:
(...and here they are for reals:)